Wednesday, 29 February 2012

New project

Aiming to illustrate 'The Straight Story' a film by David Lynch based on a true story. The setting revolves around states like Wyoming, so I made a few images to try out some techniques and colour schemes.

More cover designs

All works in progress, 3 weeks till the deadline so these could all be tweaked or changed completely, still having fun experimenting with this. Changing 'Kasey' to 'Kesey' might help too.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Penguin Book Design

My design for the Penguin book competition, the adult book in this years competition is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey, sure my entry for that will follow in a few weeks.

Short stories

Some little booklets, quick& fun to do, containing a short story about Loki.

Loki and the Giant

A few more pages from the same book.

Loki and the Giant

A selection of pages from the most recent book I've done at uni, a story on one of the Norse gods Loki and the mischief he would get up to. I enjoyed taking such an old story and illustrating it using such a modern medium such as Photoshop.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Kicking things off

Starting this new blog by getting some old work out of the way first! This family holiday (Norway via Denmark) had such great scenery, I decided to make some postcards out of the snaps I took.